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Click here to download and share a printable flier of the winter/spring 2025 season of rehearsal and concert dates.

Sample Music for 2025 Winter/Spring Season

Click links below for soundtracks of several selections in the SHJO folders.

Click here for the Concert Key chart with links to recordings.

Scale Warm-up - “Practicing with a Plan” (prize for the first SHJO member who brings Mr. Fox a printed copy!)

Quotes from our 2024-25 SHJO members

SHJO offers a fun, meaningful opportunity to keep practicing music and make friends with all ages of the community!

SHJO is a low pressure place to go and experience with others the joy and challenge of making music together. The rehearsals and concerts are some of the things I look forward to most each week.

We have an amazing time together! I love the opportunity to grow my musical skills in an incredibly supportive environment, surrounded by fellow musicians of all ages and backgrounds.

SHJO is special to me because it made my son grow as a violinist and developed in him a passion for playing, such a passion that I am sure he will continue to play forever in his life because of his time at SHJO (he played there for 8 years). I started to play at SHJO because of him, and now that he is in College, I am still traveling to the rehearsals every Saturday morning from Murrysville to Upper Saint Clair. When people ask me why I go so far away, I always say: because I still learn and improve, playing and listening, and having fun. To make music in a diverse group like this one (age and skills) is a tremendous work of dedication that only the best teachers can provide, and the SHJO Directors have the expertise and the passion to do so.

SHJO expands one’s horizons beyond just learning about music to experiencing the art of music.

As an older adult comeback player, I was looking for a community-based orchestra that would accept and work with people like me (who are neither professional nor advanced amateur musicians). I really love how all the SHJO members have been really friendly, understanding, and willing to work with me as I restart my musical journey. I also really love the SHJO musical selections. They include a wide variety of styles (from baroque to modern pieces), and they include pieces that I really enjoy playing!


Interested in the history of SHJO performances and philanthropy?
Click HERE.


flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, drum, & string PLAYERS!

You don’t know what you’re missing until you try it! See you on Saturdays in the USCHS Band Room!


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When you become a patron of SHJO you contribute to preserving arts in our local and surrounding communities. 
